Sunday, June 19, 2011

Is Love A Trade???

   I been living in this fucked up world for 21 years ady. I experienced quite many things in life ady but there one thing I yet to experienced it myself which is to be involved in a relationship. You might think I do not experience love before but that is a wrong fact. I do have feeling and feel love but i just stop there. I don't dare to move to the next level. The reason for this blog entry was inspired by friends conversation and after a sleepless night because of thinking of this issue,here the end result of it.
   Here's why i don't dare to take the next step. Firstly is because girls nowadays wants a boyfriend to take care of them in every way. Well I'm fine with the take care of her shit but what I'm trying to say is not this shit but rather nowadays girls wants guys who will pay for them, buy expensive gifts and bring them here and there. This are the reason why I'm not in a relationships because I can't achieve some of the expectation they have set on guys. I'm just a student who don't have a lot of money to spend and having trouble meeting end's meet. So if my girlfriend expect me to pay for their meal every time we eat together,well I'm not the right guy now. You all must be thinking I'm stingy or what because it won't cost you that much to pay for a meal but here my defending case. I don't mind paying once in a while like on special occasion but if every meal I have to pay then sorry. We are living in society where guys and girls have equal rights. We are no longer living in a society where guy must be a gentlemen and pay for every meals we have together. Love is about supporting each other financially and emotionally not just one person sacrificing all.

   Another thing I observe is girl nowadays want guys with cars and shit load of cash in their wallet. I feel like love have lost it's meaning. The love we see now is not called love but rather a trade. That is why I so reluctant to go in a relationship. If you have car, is good. That means you can travel here and there but all I had is a bicycle. I also imagine many things,like bring my girlfriend travel around, bring her to eat around and also buy her gifts that she wants but all this I can't do it now. Now is like if you are poor,you don't have the right to love someone and be in a relationship with someone. That's are the factor's that stopping me from getting a girlfriend now.
   Before I end my gibberish i would like to say I don't have the confident of going into the relationship because of my personal observation of many couple and how they couple. I not ready yet. i like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Eddie and Jeff for inspiring me to write this crap which may not concern you or you think I just wasting my time writing this crap but this my feeling and my opinion.

Love should be sweet not suffering.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Sober or drunkness thee chooses
Drunkness fill my life with temporary happiness
What awaits thee are headche and reality when drunkness pass
Reality and headache thee choses to ignore
Thee chose
Regrets thee fill with Alcohol
Til thee burn out like a candle in the wind
Discarded by society and living in drunkness
A life thee fill with Alcohol 


All friends are lost
All hope are lost
Darkness shroud around thy
Only Death can satisfy thy now
Freedom obtain when Death kisses
Kisses which free thy from despair
Thy embrace Death with open arms
May Death accompany thy til end of time