Sunday, June 19, 2011

Is Love A Trade???

   I been living in this fucked up world for 21 years ady. I experienced quite many things in life ady but there one thing I yet to experienced it myself which is to be involved in a relationship. You might think I do not experience love before but that is a wrong fact. I do have feeling and feel love but i just stop there. I don't dare to move to the next level. The reason for this blog entry was inspired by friends conversation and after a sleepless night because of thinking of this issue,here the end result of it.
   Here's why i don't dare to take the next step. Firstly is because girls nowadays wants a boyfriend to take care of them in every way. Well I'm fine with the take care of her shit but what I'm trying to say is not this shit but rather nowadays girls wants guys who will pay for them, buy expensive gifts and bring them here and there. This are the reason why I'm not in a relationships because I can't achieve some of the expectation they have set on guys. I'm just a student who don't have a lot of money to spend and having trouble meeting end's meet. So if my girlfriend expect me to pay for their meal every time we eat together,well I'm not the right guy now. You all must be thinking I'm stingy or what because it won't cost you that much to pay for a meal but here my defending case. I don't mind paying once in a while like on special occasion but if every meal I have to pay then sorry. We are living in society where guys and girls have equal rights. We are no longer living in a society where guy must be a gentlemen and pay for every meals we have together. Love is about supporting each other financially and emotionally not just one person sacrificing all.

   Another thing I observe is girl nowadays want guys with cars and shit load of cash in their wallet. I feel like love have lost it's meaning. The love we see now is not called love but rather a trade. That is why I so reluctant to go in a relationship. If you have car, is good. That means you can travel here and there but all I had is a bicycle. I also imagine many things,like bring my girlfriend travel around, bring her to eat around and also buy her gifts that she wants but all this I can't do it now. Now is like if you are poor,you don't have the right to love someone and be in a relationship with someone. That's are the factor's that stopping me from getting a girlfriend now.
   Before I end my gibberish i would like to say I don't have the confident of going into the relationship because of my personal observation of many couple and how they couple. I not ready yet. i like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Eddie and Jeff for inspiring me to write this crap which may not concern you or you think I just wasting my time writing this crap but this my feeling and my opinion.

Love should be sweet not suffering.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Sober or drunkness thee chooses
Drunkness fill my life with temporary happiness
What awaits thee are headche and reality when drunkness pass
Reality and headache thee choses to ignore
Thee chose
Regrets thee fill with Alcohol
Til thee burn out like a candle in the wind
Discarded by society and living in drunkness
A life thee fill with Alcohol 


All friends are lost
All hope are lost
Darkness shroud around thy
Only Death can satisfy thy now
Freedom obtain when Death kisses
Kisses which free thy from despair
Thy embrace Death with open arms
May Death accompany thy til end of time

Friday, April 8, 2011

Caution:Prices May Rises Due To China

In a widely covered interview last Wednesday, the CEO of Wal-Mart, Bill Simon, warned that “U.S. consumers face ‘serious’ inflation in the months ahead for clothing, food and other products.” He noted: “We’re seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate.” Given his purview, I accept Simon’s opinion as positively disconcerting, and if inflation is to hit home in the heartland of America, it will certainly begin at Wal-Mart.
While America’s labor force struggles to regain employment and reclaim real wages, the prices of necessary products are preparing to surge, creating the uncomfortable prospect of stagflation, that dour economic phenomenon of rising prices and falling wages last seriously confronted three decades ago. It would be a toxic drink to swallow. Packaged in China for Sam’s Club, and mixed with a little Mexican Wage Gouging Tequila, this “stagarita” would leave a bitter taste in an election year. And what a hangover.
Yet, although there is asset inflation in many areas, the fact that wages are not increasing in tandem implies that this inflation must be short-lived. I speculate that we are entering a period similar to the 2008 deflationary crisis, when many asset prices spiked before plummeting rapidly without the economic strength to support the new price levels.
Besides the Federal Reserve’s QE policies, which have created this artificial asset inflation, it is my contention that China will be intimately tied to this period of stagflation now accelerating on the American consumer. (In a world of never ending game theory, even China’s action could be linked back to the Fed).
Beginning in the mid-1990s until about 2005, China exported price deflation into the United States as the country’s 1.3 billion people were gradually integrated into the world workforce. In 2000, the United States imported $100 billion of goods from China, increasing to $365 billion in 2010. During this time, multinational companies in search of the lower costs transferred hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs from the United States into China.Many accused Wal-mart of instigating the exportation of 200,000 US jobs. This phenomenon began reversing in late 2007 as all the juice had been squeezed out of lower prices.
I speculated in July of 2008 that much of the inflation hitting the United States at the time (remember oil at $150?) was the result of massive Chinese stimulus, construction, and stockpiling leading up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. If China had been stockpiling oil, diesel, and unleaded gasoline in preparation for the Olympics, then the sudden post-Olympics drop in demand (though small in relative terms) would have a large impact on marginal demand.
Whether or not I correctly identified correlation and causation, China’s massive slowdown commenced immediately after the Olympics. The Chinese government intervened, fostering a massive stimulus plan and construction boom (bubble) in 2009 and 2010. Now, China seems to be in a similar economic position as it was leading into the 2008 Olympics.
The end has come for China’s exporting of deflation, at least until its property bubble collapses and the country enters into its own deflationary crunch.  Unlike the United States, wages for workers in China are climbing higher. From 2005 to 2010, monthly minimum wages have increased over 300%.  Much of that increase has occurred in the last two years.  Surging wage growth in China, combined with surging asset inflation instigated by the Federal Reserve QE, has created a large increase in prices for many American consumables.
Why asset inflation will only be temporary
Just as in 2008, an even minor inflationary shock will send the United States consumer over the financial edge. This will cause price deflation to reignite as deleveraging once again becomes front page news.
Alternatively, two conditions would need to preexist for stagflation to turn into inflation (or hyperinflation) instead of deflation; namely, wage growth and/or an underleveraged economy.  The United States has neither.  In fact, real wages have recently begun to plummet at rates not seen since late 2008, a reality unlikely to reverse itself soon with very high unemployment rates and capacity utilization approaching the troughs of the 1990 and 2001 recessions. Simply put, the average American does not have a bargaining position to push for higher wages.
Without higher wages to offset any increase in asset prices, American consumers will be forced to restrain consumption and lower debt. This will cause an economic slowdown. 
There exists one potential outlier. A public backlash and deteriorating trust in the Federal Reserve and the U.S. government could cause trust in the dollar to collapse.  This is an entirely different type of inflation than price inflation and deserving of its own multi thousand word editorial.  While I believe the odds are high for a dollar collapse to be the ultimate final chapter, it would appear to me that we have several more chapters to slog through before we get there.
In the meantime, Americans should prepare to take a nasty swig from the stagarita. No age limit on this one.

How To Hook Those Rich Guys To Your Side

It's a very small price to pay to land a big fish.

Many Chinese women these days think nothing of spending a chunk of their monthly salary on a new type of enrichment class: How to marry a rich Chinese man. 

After all, China has more billionaires today than any other country except the United States.

A consultancy firm in the upscale Jianwai Soho complex in Beijing is offering the special service. A standard 10-hour package costs 2,000 yuan (RM925), reportsThe Global Times.

At one such class, seven women listened intently as their instructor, relationship consultant Shao Tong, dispensed tips on the art of snagging a rich man. The framed picture of a book titled Marry The Right Person hung on a wall. Shao was teaching her students how to read a man's face.

"When you see him the first time, you should pay attention to the left side of his face because it shows his real personality," she said. "The right side is what we call the 'social face'," she added.

She then projected the face of a recently married millionaire's son on a screen, by way of example.

After her students unanimously agreed that he was handsome, Shao asked them to study the left side of his face.

"Look carefully into his eyes," she said. "Then you can see he is insecure and unhappy. He wants love and sympathy."

"Knowing what kind of person he is on the first date leads you to final victory," Shao told them, for good measure.

Most of the women enrolled in the classes are aged between 21 and 49. The company, De Yu Nu Xue Guan or School for Virtuous Ladies, takes a maximum of 15 per class. 

Besides the standard 10-hour package, it also conducts intensive one-on-one classes at 600 yuan (RM278) for two hours.

Shao also told her students that while businessmen may be adept at sizing up business rivals or sniffing out a good deal, they may not be as sharp when it comes to their dates.

"They will observe the way you eat, the food you order and the way you talk to the waiter to judge if you are wife material," she said.

"And no matter what happens during the dinner, stay calm," she added.

Ding Zhenyu, a consultant at the same company as Ms Shao, has this piece of advice: If a woman wants to marry a prince without having to kiss too many frogs, she must at least know what it is he is looking for in a wife.

The experts say that while beauty is not a prerequisite, looks are still important. Rich men tend to value family background. Some even hire fengshui masters to see if a woman has a lucky face.

According to Forbes magazine's Billionaires List of 2011, China has 115 billionaires, up from 69 last year.


Japan's ocean radiation hits 7.5 million times legal limit

TOKYO — The operator of Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear plant said Tuesday that it had found radioactive iodine at 7.5 million times the legal limit in a seawater sample taken near the facility, and government officials imposed a new health limit for radioactivity in fish.
The reading of iodine-131 was recorded Saturday, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. Another sample taken Monday found the level to be 5 million times the legal limit. The Monday samples also were found to contain radioactive cesium at 1.1 million times the legal limit.
The exact source of the radiation was not immediately clear, though Tepco has said that highly contaminated water has been leaking from a pit near the No. 2 reactor. The utility initially believed that the leak was coming from a crack, but several attempts to seal the crack failed.
On Tuesday the company said the leak instead might be coming from a faulty joint where the pit meets a duct, allowing radioactive water to seep into a layer of gravel underneath. The utility said it would inject "liquid glass" into gravel in an effort to stop further leakage.
Meanwhile, Tepco continued releasing what it described as water contaminated with low levels of radiation into the sea to make room in on-site storage tanks for more highly contaminated water. In all, the company said it planned to release 11,500 tons of the water, but by Tuesday morning it had released less than 25 percent of that amount.
Although the government authorized the release of the 11,500 tons and has said that any radiation would be quickly diluted and dispersed in the ocean, fish with high readings of iodine are being found.
On Monday, officials detected more than 4,000 bequerels of iodine-131 per kilogram in a type of fish called a sand lance caught less than three miles offshore of the town of Kita-Ibaraki. The young fish also contained 447 bequerels of cesium-137, which is considered more problematic than iodine-131 because it has a much longer half-life.
On Tuesday chief cabinet secretary Yukio Edano said the government was imposing a standard of 2,000 bequerels of iodine per kilogram of fish, the same level it allows in vegetables. Previously, the government did not have a specific level for fish. Another haul of sand lance with 526 bequerels of cesium was detected Tuesday, in excess of the standard of 500 bequerels per kilogram.
Fishing of sand lances has been suspended. Local fishermen called on Tepco to halt the release of radioactive water into the sea and demanded that the company compensate them for their losses.
Fishing has been banned near the plant, and the vast majority of fishing activity in the region has been halted because of damage to boats and ports by the March 11 tsunami and earthquake. Still, some fishermen are out making catches, only to find few buyers because of fears about radiation.
It was unclear what Tepco might offer the fishermen, but the company did say Tuesday that it had offered "condolence payments" totaling 180 million yen ($2 million) to local residents who had to evacuate their homes because of radiation from the Fukushima plant. One town, however, refused the payment.
The company has yet to decide how it will compensate residents near the plant for damages, though financial analysts say the claims could be in the tens of billions of dollars. Tepco's executive vice president Takashi Fujimoto said the company's decision on damages hinges on how much of the burden the government will share.
Edano urged the company to accelerate its decisions on compensation.
For now the company has offered to give 20 million yen ($240,000) to each of 10 villages, towns and cities within 12 miles of the plant, Fujimoto said.
"We hope they will find it of some use for now," he said.
Namie, a town of 20,600 located about 6 miles north of the plant, refused to take the money. Town official Kosei Negishi said that he and other government officials were working out of a makeshift office in Nihonmatsu city, elsewhere in Fukushima prefecture, and that they faced more pressing issues.
"The coastal areas of Namie were hit hard by the earthquake and the tsunami but because of the radiation and the evacuation order we haven't had a chance to conduct a search for the 200 people who are missing," Negishi said. "Why would we use our resources to hand out less than 1,000 yen ($12) to every resident?"
Tokyo Electric Power's Fujimoto acknowledged that there was a "gap" in the views of company and Namie officials.
Tepco's shares dropped to an all-time low Tuesday, falling by the maximum daily trading limit — about 18 percent — to 362 yen, below the previous record low of 393 yen reached in December 1951. The company's share price has lost 80 percent of its value — nearly 1.1 trillion yen — since the quake and tsunami, according to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
"We take the stock price decline very seriously," Fujimoto told reporters.
Fujimoto said the company's annual earnings report, which was originally scheduled for April 28, would be postponed, but he declined to give any other details.

P.S: Nuclear power is good and can sustain in a very long period compare with other energy source but the are many threats in nuclear power too.It's a double edge sword that can either help you or harm you.

7.4 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Japan Again

TOKYO: Japan's meteorological agency says it has lifted a tsunami warning for the northeastern coast 90 minutes after a 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck offshore.
The quake hit about 11:30pm Thursday Japan time (10.30pm Malaysian time). It rattled nerves nearly a month after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that flattened the northeastern coast.
Announcers on Japan's public broadcaster NHK had told residents in the northeast to move to higher ground away from the shore.
The warning was for the same area devastated by last month's tsunami, which is believed to have killed some 25,000 people and has sparked an ongoing crisis at a nuclear power plant.
Officials at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant say there was no immediate sign the aftershock caused new problems.
Earlier, the Japan meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for a wave of up to one meter. The warning was issued for a coastal area already torn apart by last month's tsunami.
Officials said Thursday's quake was a 7.4-magnitude and hit 25 miles (40 kilometers) under the water and off the coast of Miyagi prefecture. The quake that preceded last month's tsunami was a 9.0-magnitude.
Buildings as far away as Tokyo shook for about a minute.
U.S. Geological Survey gave the preliminary magnitude as 7.4 and it struck off the eastern coast 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Sendai and 90 miles (140 kilometers) from Fukushima. It was about 215 miles (345 kilometers) from Tokyo.
The depth was 25 miles (40 kilometers). Shallower quakes tend to be more destructive.
Hundreds of aftershocks have shaken the northeast region devastated by the March 11 earthquake, but few have been stronger than 7.0
Source:The Star Online
P.S:What is happening to our world???Is 2012 really coming???Are our world going to end in less than a years time???

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

African Nation Being Hijacked By USA???

Over the past few months,many incident had happen all around the African nation.Firstly,we had Egypt riot.The protester are protesting against President Hosni Mubarak who had been in power for many years.Hosni Mubarak is a strong USA supporter but this time USA did not support him and ask him to resign the president post.One of the reason Hosni Mubarak can become the president is because of the support of USA.This type of incident not only happen here in Egypt but also in many country like Iraq where the US put Saddam Hussien into power.All this action done by US is to futher their political gain by putting puppet leaders which the US can control them.

Lets fast forward to the latest incident which is the Libya incident where Colonel Gaddafi is being opposed by rebels.This rebels claims they want to overthrow the tyranny ruler but in closed inspection,US is behind the rebels again.Have you ever wondered why only now people start to rebel against him when he's been ruling the country for so many years.All this are done thanks to US.The US in Libya case first sent in the CIA then only they start the chaos in the nation and why US have to enter this fight which does not concern them at all.

If you got follow the conspiracy theory,you might heard before world government or new world order.All this are part of the plan to unite the world with one government.Looks like I stray from the path ady.Another reason why US want to kick Gaddafi out is because US want to replace Gaddafi with someone which they can influence and control.Gaddafi is a strong and influential person which have substantial of support in the international political arena.We shall see how the incident goes as the rebellion is still happening in Libya.

This just show that US will do anything to further their political interest.They will used whatever means to archive world dominance.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Malaysian Politics,Anwar Alleged Sex Scandal

Personally I pretty fed up with Malaysian politics.All the politician in Malaysia are only concern about power not what the peoples wants.Just look at our parliament session.I bet you the bickering and verbal fights the MP engage in makes me sick.Be it the ruling party or opposition.They used whatever issue to achieve their own political agenda.

Recently,another case involving our opposition leader Anwar had been news headline all over again.This time Anwar had been implicated in a sex scandal much like the previous hot case which involve now MCA President Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek.This video had been leaked out by three Datuk which they identified themselves as Datuk T.A new wave of argument had happen thanks to the video.Now the opposition are accusing the ruling party,BN for using such underhand tactic to discredit a politician.BN responded to such accusation with them saying if a scandal involve politician from BN,opposition say is a fact but when it comes to themselves they say this are all conspiracy to drag them down.

Of course,we do not know who is the alleged person in the video as the police are still investigating the video but rumors are spreading like wild fire that says the person in the video is non other than Anwar himself.Anwar had denied that the person in the video is himself and many of the opposition politician had demanded a investigation been launch.

The Malaysian police had promise they will fairly investigate the video so that justice can be serve.The Malaysian police had promise to ask help from Scotland Yard and FBI to help out in identifying the person in the video.Only time will tell who is the victim of this incident.Let just hope if any politician in involve in such act will automatically resign their post and not cling to it as this is not a healthy action.It will only drag down the Malaysian politics in the process.

Malaysian we must unite and stand firm against untrustworthy politician because our future and the country future starts from the vote we cast in the ballot box.We citizen are the true ruler of the nations not politicians.They are in parliament to represent us and protect our interest not theirs.