Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Malaysian Politics,Anwar Alleged Sex Scandal

Personally I pretty fed up with Malaysian politics.All the politician in Malaysia are only concern about power not what the peoples wants.Just look at our parliament session.I bet you the bickering and verbal fights the MP engage in makes me sick.Be it the ruling party or opposition.They used whatever issue to achieve their own political agenda.

Recently,another case involving our opposition leader Anwar had been news headline all over again.This time Anwar had been implicated in a sex scandal much like the previous hot case which involve now MCA President Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek.This video had been leaked out by three Datuk which they identified themselves as Datuk T.A new wave of argument had happen thanks to the video.Now the opposition are accusing the ruling party,BN for using such underhand tactic to discredit a politician.BN responded to such accusation with them saying if a scandal involve politician from BN,opposition say is a fact but when it comes to themselves they say this are all conspiracy to drag them down.

Of course,we do not know who is the alleged person in the video as the police are still investigating the video but rumors are spreading like wild fire that says the person in the video is non other than Anwar himself.Anwar had denied that the person in the video is himself and many of the opposition politician had demanded a investigation been launch.

The Malaysian police had promise they will fairly investigate the video so that justice can be serve.The Malaysian police had promise to ask help from Scotland Yard and FBI to help out in identifying the person in the video.Only time will tell who is the victim of this incident.Let just hope if any politician in involve in such act will automatically resign their post and not cling to it as this is not a healthy action.It will only drag down the Malaysian politics in the process.

Malaysian we must unite and stand firm against untrustworthy politician because our future and the country future starts from the vote we cast in the ballot box.We citizen are the true ruler of the nations not politicians.They are in parliament to represent us and protect our interest not theirs.

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