Wednesday, April 6, 2011

African Nation Being Hijacked By USA???

Over the past few months,many incident had happen all around the African nation.Firstly,we had Egypt riot.The protester are protesting against President Hosni Mubarak who had been in power for many years.Hosni Mubarak is a strong USA supporter but this time USA did not support him and ask him to resign the president post.One of the reason Hosni Mubarak can become the president is because of the support of USA.This type of incident not only happen here in Egypt but also in many country like Iraq where the US put Saddam Hussien into power.All this action done by US is to futher their political gain by putting puppet leaders which the US can control them.

Lets fast forward to the latest incident which is the Libya incident where Colonel Gaddafi is being opposed by rebels.This rebels claims they want to overthrow the tyranny ruler but in closed inspection,US is behind the rebels again.Have you ever wondered why only now people start to rebel against him when he's been ruling the country for so many years.All this are done thanks to US.The US in Libya case first sent in the CIA then only they start the chaos in the nation and why US have to enter this fight which does not concern them at all.

If you got follow the conspiracy theory,you might heard before world government or new world order.All this are part of the plan to unite the world with one government.Looks like I stray from the path ady.Another reason why US want to kick Gaddafi out is because US want to replace Gaddafi with someone which they can influence and control.Gaddafi is a strong and influential person which have substantial of support in the international political arena.We shall see how the incident goes as the rebellion is still happening in Libya.

This just show that US will do anything to further their political interest.They will used whatever means to archive world dominance.

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